Rate the American Death Note live action if it comes out

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Death Note Persuasive

Imagine this, a high budget Death Note film, made by the legendary director Shane black, being produced in Hollywood and being seen on the big screen. Wouldn't it be amazing? Other Death Note fans don't think so.

Japan has made a low budget Death Note movies and live action series in the past and it was an absolute hit.
Many people loved finally seeing Japan's number one anime on the big screen and wanted more.
Once Warner bros announced that they were going to release a Death Note American movie, fans were furious and said things like:
"The Japanese live action was all we needed, Hollywood has ruined other anime's by making movies that don't even resemble the original work. Who’s to say that they won't ruin Death Note."
Fans are arguing with each other, saying their reasons for why it should or shouldn't be made, but I'm going to tell you why Hollywood SHOULD make a DeathNote live action movie.

I have many reasons for my contention, one of the reasons is being that there is a strong chance that the amazing actor, Zach Efron will be playing the main role in the movie. In Zach’s previous roles, he has proven to all audiences that he is a great actor of brilliant precautions.
Zach Efron has 19 wins and 19 nominations in his film business. Some of these awards were winning a Hollywood film award in 2007 for the movie, hairspray, he won critics choice award also for the movie hairspray, won best male performance in 2009 and favourite dramatic actor in 2013.
Having him in the movie will surely make it a lot better and attract more people to watch (especially girls who are Zach Efron fans).

Secondly, the director of Iron man 3, Shane Black, will be working on this film. In Shane’s latest film Iron Man 3, he has proven that he is capable of making realistic CGI effects and will use that to his full potential for the Death Note movie. Surely the Japanese version of the live action was “good enough” as some critical fans describe it but that was only a low budget film. With the skills and money of Hollywood producer Shane Black, he would make all the graphics look amazing and extremely realistic.

My final reason is the director of the soon to be blockbuster film, has positive feelings towards the manga. Generally when someone enjoys doing something, they will put a lot of effort into what they’re doing. This will mean that he will put in 110% effort into making this movie as fantastic as the manga and anime. In an interview he stated:
“It’s my favourite manga. I was struck by its unique and brilliant sensibility.”
With this quote other fans and I will look forwards to the live action.

In conclusion Warner Bros should continue making the movie because of the possibility of Zach Efron being contracted with Warner Bros for the main role and the brilliant director of Iron man 3, Shane Black is directing it and will surely make it up to the fan’s standards.

By Jack Barraza

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